The “Disability and Inclusive Development” NGO on a daily basis provides people with disabilities and their family members free-of-charge consultancy on various issues. Organizations wishing to receive legal advice on their responsibilities to ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities can make use of this service. Civil Society Organizations, for example, during the development of grant proposals, may benefit from our consulting service to ensure their project is inclusive and sensitive to people with various disabilities. The consultancy may also include budgeting for disability inclusion which is the safeguard for the accessibility of any program. Businesses can make use of our consulting and information services when making their work and work environments accessible to a particular employee with a disability, develop their non-discrimination and equality policies, etc.
• Consultancy and information on the current state of rights of persons with disabilities,
• Provision of data on the current state of the RA legal framework,
• Consultancy on equality and non-discrimination policy development,
• Consultancy on needs assessment,
• Identifying problems,
• Disability budgeting,
• Information on existing opportunities for employers,
• Participation in providing reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities,
• Consultancy on services accessibility,
• Web content accessibility, and
• Information in accessible formats.